Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Draw the line! And open the door!

Draw the line!  And open the door!
Referencing Girlfriends in God Aug 21, 2012:
“I heard someone once say that a woman defines romance as the feeling of being continually pursued. What do you think about that?”
What do I think about that?  WOW!  I don’t feel pursued except by trouble.  Trouble pursues me with a vengeance, and I keep running and keep fighting and getting nowhere fast.  Sound familiar? Listen to this:
Disciple – Draw the line video & lyrics
Another crash, another fall, another failure
Another choice I don't want to remember
Been here too many times
Every day's another fight
I'm at war with the person I could be
Give me a chance and I'll mess up a good thing
This sounds like my life!  I so understand those feelings of failure.  Can’t keep the checkbook in the black, never have enough money for bills.  And for most of those bills, it is to keep someone else happy.  Many know that I support my family, oftimes to my own detriment.  And for what?  Is making this person or that company happy with me for this moment going to get me anywhere?
Third Day – What good? video & lyrics
What good is it a man

To gain the whole world
And to forfeit his soul
They’re right – it’s getting me nothing, really.
Building 429 – Listen to the sound video & lyrics
Are you in over your head
Are you in water so deep you're drowning
Do you think you've been left
And there is no one to feel your hurting
Well, everybody has been there
And everybody's felt lost
If you're in over your head
Lift it up, lift it up
But there is, and it goes right back to that woman’s definition of romance – God is ALWAYS there!  Remember that picture of Jesus standing in front of that door and knocking?  There is no handle for Him to open, He has to wait for YOU to open that door, and if that isn’t continual pursuit I don’t know what is!  See, He did what Disciple in that first song says they are gonna do – Draw the line.
this is where i draw the line
this is the where the old me dies
light a match, let it burn, kiss it goodbye,
giving up what i was
this is where i draw the line
When I first heard the song, I had two immediate images – one of the women pulled out of her lover’s bed and taken to Jesus for judgement.  She was an adulterous, and there was no doubt in this instance she was guilty.  But, He knelt, and while he was not really drawing a line in the sand, He was!  “Let he who has no sin cast the first stone.”  There was only one person on the sinless side of the line and it sure wasn’t anyone in that crowd!  And the second image – Jesus on the cross and saying “It is finished.”  He drew that line!  No more death!  What a line and what a song!
George Strait – Love’s gonna make it alright video & lyrics
Girl you had one of those days
Seem like they been going around
You are a long way from being where you want to be.

When the world isn’t going your way
Or ever bad luck is getting you down.
Honey I will be right here for you with open arms,
you can run to me.

While this song isn’t speaking about running to God, that is how I am going to take and use these lines.  So, you’ve had a rough day/week/month/year, He is always right there with you, constantly wanting your attention so that He can rain love down on you.  That bubble bath?  His warm arms.  That chocolate or wine?  Max Lucado said it – “Come thirsty.”
So, do you feel loved and pursued?  Do you see that no matter how hard you struggle, for Him, the only thing you need to do is open the door, sit down and drink your fill.

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